Rainforest Resources was born from a commitment to mitigate global warming and a desire to make a positive impact on rainforest preservation, and the resources that lie deep in the forest. We pursue business segments that foster harmony with humankind and the surrounding environment, preserving that which is crucial to the overall health of our ecosystems while supporting local communities and their sustainability efforts.


Rainforest Resources’ first major project is the 12,000 hectare (29,000 acre) Sumack Sacha Forest, a primary rainforest located near Sangay National Park in the border province of Morona-Santiago. Rainforest Resources’ activities in the unique ecosystem of Sumack Sacha will be foundational for environmental mitigation practices. The forest will provide resources and solutions to help regulate climate change, prevent natural disasters, foster sustainable development of local non-forest projects, and generally create positive developments in an economically underdeveloped and underserved community while preserving the stability of the natural ecosystems.


We cultivate strategic alliances with private companies committed to mitigating the issue of climate change by offsetting their carbon footprint.


Through agroforestry and specifically ‘shade-grown’ coffee production, our local community can generate income, reduce deforestation, and prevent land grabs.


Our water catchment site in the Chimborazo Wildflife Reserve will provide jobs, allow locals access to clean, pure bottled water, and generate income from international export.


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